
Cabrini met Serie A managers: “I asked for more cooperation”

lunedì 16 marzo 2015

Cabrini met Serie A managers: “I asked for more cooperation”

The head coach of the Italian women’s national team Antonio Cabrini met the Serie A managers today: “I asked for more cooperation, a cooperation that has been missing until now. Today’s meeting is only the first of a series. We will try to share things with the clubs. We will try to work together in order to help women’s football develop.” 

LND President Felice Belloli was also present and commented: “I really wanted this meeting to take place and I was pleased with Cabrini’s participation. I am not a head coach; I don’t have the necessary knowledge. I think meetings should be taking place more frequently. Since Cabrini is the coordinator of all women’s national sides, I will ask him to organise these meetings for the other teams too.” 

Cabrini then took stock of the recent participation in the Cyprus Cup: “Many teams are composed by athletes in the first place and then football players. This physical difference is the main one between us and them. Still, we saw interesting things, also from new players in our team. We played against teams who will take part in the upcoming World Cup and we won two of those matches. The gap has diminished. We have concrete support from President Tavecchio, who firmly believes in the development of Italy’s women’s football. All innovations that the Federation will introduce will be more than welcome. It’s quite normal that I expect a global development of all Italian women’s football. You can see that President Tavecchio wants to help and this is very important for us.”