Integrated Report
First released in 2015 with the aim of communicating the value of its activities - thus carrying on down a path focused on sustainability that began in 2011, the Integrated Report is now in its third year. The FIGC is one of the first sports organisations in the world to adopt the Integrated Report, an instrument through which it intends to further work towards promoting social responsibility, a path based on transparency and characterised by accurate and complete information given to all its stakeholders.
The document, produced in collaboration with PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers), illustrates the key strategies of the Federation and their development with a particular focus on organisational efficiency, sustainability and transparency, and on the strengthening of sports and youth activities as well as initiatives relating to the professional football sector and sports facilities, with rules and regulations being revisited in the process. The Integrated Report also analyses development processes on an international level as they relate to the FIGC, social engagement, as well as the enhancement of the historical and cultural heritage of Italian football.
Bilancio Integrato 2023
Video Bilancio Integrato 2017
22 October 2018
Video Bilancio Integrato 2017 EN
21 December 2018