Italy to host the 2026 edition of the ‘Unity Euro Cup’
11 February 2025
Friday, April 7, 2023
The National Women's team takes the field to support #UnitiDagliStessiColori, the campaign promoted by the FIGC with the involvement of the entire world of Italian football to unite against discrimination.
From the Coverciano training camp, where they are preparing the friendly match against Colombia scheduled for Tuesday 11 April at the Tre Fontane stadium in Rome (broadcast live on figc. it, on the Figc YouTube channel and on the National team's Facebook and Twitter pages), the Azzurre wanted to relaunch the message of the initiative - created in 2022 and renewed again this year - to which the Leagues (Lega Serie A, Lega Serie B, Lega Pro and Lega Nazionale Dilettanti), coaches and players (Assocalciatori and Associazione Italiana Allenatori di Calcio), Associazione Italiana Arbitri (Italian refereees Association), Settori (Settore Giovanile e Scolastico and Settore Tecnico) and Divisioni (Divisione Calcio Femminile and Divisione Calcio Paralimpico e Sperimentale).
The campaign is an integral part of the FIGC Anti-Discrimination Plan, launched in early 2022, which saw the establishment of the first Anti-Discrimination Working Table. The project, which sees UNAR (National Anti-Discrimination Office of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers) as an institutional partner and was realised with the contribution of UEFA HatTrick FSR (Football and Social Responsibility), stems from the Federation's desire to give a strong, coherent and cohesive signal to fight discrimination and promote inclusion.
Through the use of CMYK four-colour process (cyan, magenta, yellow and black), the concept #UnitiDagliStessiColori, created by the agency Independent Ideas (Publicis Groupe), tells the story of the different ethnic groups from a new, original and unexpected point of view: against the irrational logic of discrimination, the campaign uses primary colours, demonstrating how every skin type has the same origin and, in fact, is the combination of the same colours.