Juventus case: plea deal accepted
The National Federal Tribunal, having acknowledged the proposed settlements, applied sanctions against the club and seven executives. Andrea Agnelli's position excluded: hearing on June 15Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The National Federal Tribunal - Disciplinary Section, chaired by Carlo Sica, having acknowledged the proposed agreements filed, regarding Article 127 CGS, has declared them effective immediately and applied the following sanctions:
- for the club Juventus FC Spa, a fine of 718,240.00 euros (seven hundred and eighteen thousand two hundred and forty/00);
- for Mr. F. P., a fine of 47,000.00 (forty-seven thousand/00) euros;
- for Mr. P. N., a fine of 35,250.00 (thirty-five thousand two hundred and fifty/00) euros;
- for Mr. F. C., EUR 32,500.00 (thirty-two thousand five hundred/00) fine;
- for Mr. C. G., euro 18,500.00 (eighteen thousand five hundred/00) fine;
- for Mr. P. M., euro 15,000.00 (fifteen thousand/00) fine;
- for Mr. G. M., a fine of 11,750.00 (eleven thousand seven hundred and fifty/00) euros;
- for Mr. S. B., euro 10,000.00 (ten thousand/00) fine.
A condition of the plea agreement was the waiver of the appeal of the Federal Court's decision from May 22 and the decision of the CONI Guarantee Board last April 20.
For the ruling click here (Italian)
In order to obtain a postponement to continue the already advanced interlocutions aimed at the evaluation of a proposed agreement ex. art. 127 CGS, deeming the request worthy of acceptance, it removes from the present proceedings the position of Dr. Andrea Agnelli, whose sentence will be read at the hearing of June 15, 2023, in attendance, with the preservation of the rights of the first hearing.
For the order click here (Italian)