The FIGC announce the launch of the $ITA fan token on socios.com
12 November 2021
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Equilibra, an Italian company founded to help people rediscover their wellbeing in a natural way, has become an Official Partner of the Italian Football Federation for the next three years: among the objectives of the partnership is a correct approach to wellbeing and diet in sports, along with support for social projects aimed at spreading a culture of respect and non-violence.
Equilibra and Italy’s National Teams will work together to push the concepts of inclusion, passion for sport, respect for others and the rejection of all forms of discrimination, transforming these from words to concrete facts in our lives and helping more and more people become ambassadors of a healthy approach to life and the world.
Plenty of Equilibra’s values link the organisation to the world of football, evidenced in the project “A School of Respect”, developed by Equilibra and active in 13 regions across Italy with a team of psychologists and synergistic paths aiming to raise awareness and fight violence. A task more pressing than ever before in this unique situation, where social isolation has accentuated the problems being tackled.
Equilibra and the Italian National Team together in promoting Natural Wellbeing.