The FIGC celebrates International Women’s Day
08 March 2025
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
A festive afternoon in the Roman neighbourhood of Corviale. It was FIGC president Gabriele Gravina who presented Massimo Vallati, the creator and promoter of the 'Calciosociale' project, with the 'UEFA Foundation For Children Awards 2023', an acknowledgement for his activities in support of children in particularly vulnerable situations. The FIGC, on the basis of the contacts initially initiated with Calciosociale and in consideration of the activities that would be fully developed later, nominated Calciosociale in March 2023. Beyond the awarding and disbursement of funds for the club that has distinguished itself for the inclusive footballing activities carried out in the Corviale neighbourhood, also contributed directly to the project by partly financing the construction of the sports facility.
"The partnership with Calciosociale di Corviale is a collaboration that was born several years ago from a deep conviction of mine: the FIGC had to open up more and more to initiatives born outside the federal movement, supporting and promoting projects with a high social value, such as this one by Massimo Vallati - commented Gravina -. Personally, I have come here several times and I have been able to experience the positive effects of the activities that take place at the 'Campo dei Miracoli'. This is why we financially supported the construction of the sports facility inaugurated by the President of the Republic Mattarella and then we nominated the CalcioSociale project for the 'UEFA Foundation For Children Awards 2023', winning an additional contribution of EUR 43,500. Over the years, I have been able to appreciate the cross-party involvement in this project: the Federation has always been and will always be at the side of the girls and boys of the neighbourhood who, through sport, experience moments of redemption that are fundamental for their full social integration. Regarding the Calciosociale project, what I was immediately passionate about was the positive impact that football, even in a spontaneous, non-codified way, can have on the development of children and on the happiness and well-being of people in moments of difficulty.”
The partnership between FIGC and Calciosociale, however, is not ending with the UEFA recognition. In collaboration with the Youth and School Sector of the FIGC, a set of coordinated initiatives will be developed for the promotion and implementation of training activities, with the aim of protecting and strengthening the inclusive, educational, moral and cultural value of football. With the aim of opposing any form of discrimination or inequality and spreading the culture of "inclusion and sporting practice" that is opposed to the degenerative sporting behaviour brought about by a pursuit of success at any price (doping, violence in stadiums, racism, alcoholism, smoking, other forms of abuse, etc.) the following initiatives have been specifically identified:
- Shared development of a reference training model for activities that use football as a tool for inclusion, also through the proposal and experimentation of methodologies and operational methods to be jointly developed at ASD Miracoli (a club registered with the FIGC in all youth categories) to be potentially replicated on a national scale. Among the initiatives concretely envisaged is the organisation of social football tournaments developed by choosing a theme of a socio-educational nature to which to direct attention in order to raise the awareness of participants, families and the local community (e.g. by involving representatives of associations, institutions, local authorities, citizens, friends, etc.), in order to form mixed and heterogeneous teams;
- Establishment of a Centro Federale Territoriale (Federal Territorial Centre) at the "Campo dei Miracoli", implementing the Territorial Club Development Programme ("Evolution Programme",) and implementing a training-sporting and educational training course aimed at all those involved in the growth of male and female football players: coaches, managers, coaches, parents.