Vivo Azzurro TV

The Azzurri wish high school students the best of luck ahead of their exams

Cambiaso and Buongiorno: “Don’t be afraid. Culture opens the mind”

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Azzurri wish high school students the best of luck ahead of their exams

For 526,317 young Italians in their final year of high school, it’s the night before exams, perhaps the dividing line between adolescence and adulthood. The National Team players, who have other tests to deal with - those at EURO 2024 - wanted to wish the students the best of luck via the social media channels of the Ministry of Education and Merit and the cameras of Vivo Azzurro TV, the FIGC’s OTT platform that is available on the App Store, Google Play and at Because they were once high school students, too.

“Enjoy this moment because it’ll remain in your heart. Let go and don’t be afraid.” This was Andrea Cambiaso’s message during 'Casa Azzurri Live Germania', the daily segment currently being aired on Vivo Azzurro TV. “My high school graduation is a great memory; it was the end of a course of studies that I completed thanks to my parents, and it’s a source of pride for me. I’d like to emphasise that it’s very important to finish your studies: it can take the mind elsewhere, especially for those like us who are very focused on the ball.”

Alessandro Buongiorno continued his studies and went on to graduate in Business Administration: “It’s OK to be nervous before the high school final exam, but it’s positive tension that allows you to do the best you possibly can. It marks the end of a five-year journey that should be enjoyed to the fullest. It’s so important: culture and studying open your mind, allowing you to better manage situations on the pitch, understand instructions from the coach, and interact with others off it.”