Nazionale A Femminile

Soncin visits Juventus: meeting with the staff and players at Vinovo

The National Team head coach's tour of Serie A club sports centres will resume following the first two Euro 2025 qualifying matches, scheduled for April 5 against the Netherlands and April 9 against Finland

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Soncin visits Juventus: meeting with the staff and players at Vinovo

From Rome to Vinovo to continue closely monitoring the work of Italy's female footballers. This is the aim of Andrea Soncin who, after yesterday's visit to the Roma, this morning stopped by the Juventus Training Center to meet with the staff and players of Juventus.

The National Team Head Coach - accompanied by his deputy Viviana Schiavi, assistant Alessandro Turone and fitness coach Mattia Toffolutti - was welcomed by Stefano Braghin, the club's women’s football director and the head of the delegation for the Women's National Team. Following the training session, Soncin had the opportunity to speak with coach Giuseppe Zappella and greet the many Azzurre who are part of the team.

The tour of the Serie A club sports centres will continue after the first two matches of the Euro 2025 qualifiers, scheduled for 5 April in Cosenza against the Netherlands and 9 April in Helsinki against Finland.