Nazionale A Femminile

Second date with Iceland. Bertolini: "I expect the right attitude"

After the 1-0 victory in the first match, the Azzurre will take to the field again tomorrow at 16:00 CET at the 'Enzo Bearzot' stadium in Coverciano (live on Rai Sport + HD)

Monday, April 12, 2021

Second date with Iceland. Bertolini:

A second friendly match with Iceland for the Women's National Team. After their 1-0 win on Saturday, Italy return to action tomorrow at 16:00 CET, again at the 'Enzo Bearzot' stadium in Coverciano (live on Rai Sport + HD). Ninety minutes for Coach Milena Bertolini to use as an opportunity to give playing time to players who have so far not had as much of a run in the team, who, thanks to a streak of victories, have already qualified for Euro 2022. “Tomorrow - declared the Coach in her press conference on the eve of the match - I expect the right approach and attitude that one must have against a strong team like Iceland, who play very physical and very intense football. History also tells us that against this national team there is always a great balance, theirs is a country in great development”.

Milena Bertolini knows her girls well and knows that they can even bring the right spirit into a friendly match: “I expect to see the national team that we have all seen in recent years - an aggressive, compact team that helps each other, and that plays with the right attitude. If you step onto the pitch like that then everything becomes easier”.

On Sunday evening, along with captain Sara Gama on the show ‘Che tempo che fa’, the Coach spoke about the future of the women's football movement: "The European Championship is an important milestone for the movement and its prospects are good. The girls already fought against prejudices to have their rights recognised during the World Cup. Football schools play a fundamental role, it would be important to let children play together as a sign of growth for society. In Italy there are thirty thousand practitioners, our goal is to reach one hundred thousand to get to the level of other European countries”.

Speaking of having the right attitude, Sara Gama also shared her thoughts about tomorrow afternoon's match against Iceland: “It’s all about starting with the right approach, then you have to go through the various steps of managing the individual moments of the match. There are in fact various phases that can be managed if you are aware of the right moments and times of the game. This is a very important aspect in which we need to improve, and tomorrow will be an important test for us to prove this, in addition to the things we have done in training this week. It will be essential to manage the game calmly to see if we are on the right path”.