
The square in front of the Football Museum named after Fino Fini

Antognoni was also present at the moment of the unveiling of the plaque: "Every time we come to this place, we think of the Doctor"

Thursday, May 30, 2024

The square in front of the Football Museum named after Fino Fini

It was September 16 2020 when Fino Fini - the 'Doctor', as everyone called him with a feeling that combined respect and friendship - departed us.

A figure of great importance not only for Coverciano, but for all of Italian football. He was the creator and founder of the Museo del Calcio (Football Museum), the place that collects memorabilia and tells the history of Italy's national team. It is a place that became reality thanks to his commitment and his tireless desire to show - above all to the younger generation - what it means to wear the Azzurri colours and represent a country.

Yesterday, just under four years after his death, the square in front of the entrance to the Football Museum was named after Fino Fini.

“This is the right tribute to a great man of our football and of the city of Florence; he created one of the most beautiful museums there is, thanks to his passion and the bonds he had," said the president of the Football Museum Foundation, Matteo Marani, who took over the leadership of the Coverciano museum from Fino Fini. “The Football Museum today," continued Marani, "continues in his memory and in a way of welcoming and being involved. The dedication to Fino Fini is a very beautiful gesture for which we thank the Municipality of Florence. And the museum's address will be Piazza Fino Fini 1".

Director of the Federal Technical Center (CTF) for thirty years and doctor of the Italian national team for five World Cups, and twenty years, from 1962 to 1982, he established a close relationship with many of his players and traveling companions. Among these, among his boys, there was also Giancarlo Antognoni, the Under 21s current head of delegation, who wanted to be present today for this dedication: "Every time we get close to Coverciano, we think of Fino. I met him in 1971, when I came through the gate of the Federal Technical Center for the first time and together we experienced the triumph of 1982. I am proud to pay homage to the Doctor and we have to thank him for all this".

“The affection that is perceived," underlined the Doctor's two sons, Paolo and Stefano, "makes us feel like our father is here close to us. The focus that the institutions have provided is something that cannot be taken for granted and testifies to the work done by our father for the Museum, for the CTF and as a doctor for the national team".

“Fino was a great friend, a person who gave a lot to football; he was able to convey the values ​​of sport and offered children a dream through his stories about him,” highlighted the councilor of the Municipality of Florence, Maria Federica Giuliani.

“For me, Fino was like a second father," commented Francesco Franchi, son of the federal president Artemio. "The Doctor made children fall in love with football through stories and anecdotes, and I miss him for his ability to tell stories."

Many people wanted to remember the Doctor and pay homage to him at the time of the unveiling of the plaque, on which you can read 'Piazza Fino Fini'. And below, clearly visible, the writing that summarises part of his career: 'Founder of the Football Museum'.


In the cover image, Marani together with Fino Fini's two sons, Stefano and Paolo