Volunteer programme: Over 2,000 applications received from 89 countries
The registration procedure will remain open until November. 1,000 volunteers will be involved in June and JulyTuesday, September 10, 2019

Over 2,020 applications for…UEFA EURO 2020! The volunteer programme in Rome for the first edition of the tournament without a set host will promote the competition and local area with cooperation between the Federation, local institutions and universities. There will be 1,000 volunteers involved in June and July 2020 to ensure that UEFA EURO 2020 is a success.
Registration has been open since June on www.volontariroma2020.it and many applications are still coming in. It’s not just local interest either as applications have been made by candidates representing over 89 different nationalities from five continents.
There will be young volunteers who turn 18 before 1 May 2020 and ‘senior’ volunteers who have experience of volunteering in the sporting and others sectors. The programme is open to all (apart for the basic requirements) and one of its aims is to create a diverse and multicultural team.
While registration will remain open until November 2019, the selection process will take place in Rome. The initial online application will be followed up by meeting where the abilities of the volunteers can be evaluated. The meetings can be organised thanks to the contributions of the 20 Volunteer Team Leaders who work on a voluntary basis as they go through over 1,600 applications selected by hand. For candidates not in Rome or the surrounding area, remote meetings will be arranged shortly.
There are so many different reasons why volunteers as the veteran Emanuele explains: “Experience as a volunteer for UEFA events has changed my life. After previous events like the UEFA Champions League final or the UEFA Supercup, UEFA EURO 2020 is a dream. I want to continue with the same goals as before, helping others in an environment where I can always learn more and improve my abilities. When you support a cause and the people who take part, you become a better person. This is why I’m taking part in the UEFA Volunteer Programme again and this has helped me to reach new personal and professional milestones.
For more information on the project, see www.volontariroma2020.it.