"Valori in Rete": FIGC project presentation at the Ministry of Education
Gravina: "A pitch will be built for a school in Emilia-Romagna"Thursday, May 25, 2023

The Ministry of Education and Merit and the FIGC today presented the activities that were organised in schools of every type and level as part of the “Valori in Rete” umbrella project. Education and Merit Minister Giuseppe Valditara, Undersecretary Hon. Paola Frassinetti, FIGC President Gabriele Gravina, FIGC Youth and School Sector President Vito Tisci all spoke during a press conference, as did National Team Head Coach Roberto Mancini.

The presentation was attended by pupils of I.C Maria Montessori and I.C. Orsa Maggiore, who were representing the more than 2100 institutions involved in the following seven projects: “Uno, Due, Calcia”, “GiocoCalciando”, “Un calcio al bullismo”, “Ragazze in gioco”, “Tutti In Goal”, “Un Goal per la Salute” and “L’Arbitro scolastico”. Among others, former World Champions Marco Tardelli and Simone Perrotta were also present.

“The ‘Valori in rete’ project has really helped to revive physical education in schools. It has led to pupils engaging in study activities, reflecting on teamwork and using new technologies. Sport is vital for the growth of our children and young people. It encourages a healthy lifestyle, participation and respect for opponents and rules. It is also an effective tool for combatting school dropouts and bullying,” said Education and Merit Minister Giuseppe Valditara.

“The collaboration between the Ministry of Education and Merit and the FIGC has produced important results, including the revival of sports culture in schools,” said the Undersecretary for Education and Merit, Hon. Paola Frassinetti. “It is a partnership that should only be strengthened so that more and more students can get involved in these projects. Football also serves as a tool for reaching young people and talking to them about issues and values such as respect and inclusion in a uniquely effective manner.”

“Culture, education and training are the three pillars on which the collaboration between school and sport are based,” said FIGC President Gabriele Gravina. “This particularly applies to football, which interests the largest proportion of school-age children. Football is an exceptional communicative tool because it is direct and speaks the language of young people. I thank Minister Valditara and Undersecretary Frassinetti for how receptive they have been as we continue to go down a valuable path of real ethical and educational importance.” The FIGC president also announced the upcoming construction of a football pitch at a school in Emilia-Romagna “after the deep wound caused by the terrible weather in recent days.”

For the 2022-2023 school year, 2,100 schools were enrolled in seven educational-sports projects, which, on a weekly basis, have got pupils and students involved in planned provincial and regional activities under the guidance of FIGC staff over the past few months.