UEFA HatTrick V Project: Federal Anti-Doping Commission and NADO Italy in Trigoria for a meeting with Roma players and staff
Giuseppe Capua, president of the Federal Anti-Doping Commission, presented and outlined the educational programme developed jointly with NADO Italy, whose primary aim is to ensure effective anti-doping education for footballers.Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Fulvio Bernardini Sports Centre in Trigoria hosted a meeting for the third season of the UEFA 'HatTrick V' educational/training programme on the topic of doping. During the fourteenth session of the project, the Federal Anti-Doping Commission and NADO Italy met with the Roma players and staff, included in the programme as participants in the UEFA Europa League.
Giuseppe Capua, president of the Federal Anti-Doping Commission, presented and outlined the educational programme, whose primary aim is to ensure effective anti-doping education for footballers and their support staff, and to prevent both intentional and unintentional doping, helping players avoid accidental violations of the rules. Alessia Di Gianfrancesco, general director of NADO Italy, then elaborated on the current Anti-Doping Sports Regulations, with particular attention to the list of prohibited substances and the process for Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE).