Italy to host the 2026 edition of the ‘Unity Euro Cup’
11 February 2025
Monday, April 22, 2024
After the big success in Cosenza, for the game between the Women's National Team and the Netherlands, the Komen Italia Prevention Mobile Unit now moves on to Corviale, a district in Rome where the Campo dei Miracoli is located, home of the Calciosociale project and, from this year, also the FIGC's Federal Territorial Centre.
Thanks to the collaboration with the FIGC, the high-tech mobile units of the Komen Prevention scheme will offer specialist visits reserved for women without the chance for regional screening for the prevention of breast cancer on Wednesday 24 April from 09:30 until 15:30 CEST in Via Poggio Verde; specifically, mammograms for women aged between 40 and 49, and for over 70s, and breast ultrasound scans for women under 40.
THE DETAILS: The Prevention Mobile Unit is Komen Italia's national travelling program to promote women's health, offering free activities to raise awareness and prevent the main gender-based oncological diseases to an increasingly wider audience. With its six high-tech mobile units, the Prevention Caravan has carried out over 800 days of promoting women's health, bringing health protection opportunities "at home" to over 250,000 women in 17 Italian regions.
In particular, the Caravan is aimed at women who live in conditions of social and economic hardship and who therefore pay less attention to their health. The protection of women's health has important implications for the well-being of the community, due to the fundamental role of women in the family, work and social spheres.
CALCIOSOCIALE: The 'Calciosociale' project, in recent months, received the "UEFA Foundation For Children Awards 2023", recognition for the activity carried out to support children, in particular those living in vulnerable conditions. The FIGC, on the basis of initial contacts with Calciosociale and considering the activities that would subsequently be carried out, had nominated Calciosociale in March last year and, as well as the award ceremony and providing funds in favour of the club which was recognised for its inclusion activities through football carried out in Rome's district of Corviale, it also contributed directly to the project by partly financing the construction of the sports facility. After the activation of the Federal Territorial Centre, at the basis of the Evolution Program of the FIGC's Youth and School Sector, here is the Prevention Mobile Unit.