‘Football University' is born
27 July 2023
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
This morning saw the first seminar of the UEFA SLO EDUCATION PROGRAMME, a collaboration between UEFA Academy and Football Supporters Europe (FSE), aimed at the development and continuing education of the Support Liasion Officers (SLO). The course, hosted by the FIGC in CTF’s auditorium in Coverciano, saw the participation of SLOs from Serie A and B clubs. The course is divided into two in-person seminars over two days.
At the start of the course, the FIGC’s Secretary General, Marco Brunelli, emphasised the importance of SLOs for the whole system. Herjan Pullen, UEFA Supporters Liaison Officer Project Coordinator, gave the audience some valuable knowledge on the development of the role of SLOs, whereas Alessandra Rotunno, Coordinator of SLO FIGC, discussed the evolution and background of the role. The speech from Giampietri Moscatelli, first officer of the Polizia di Stato, focused on the police’s involvement in games happening in Italy. The day ended with remarks from Lena Gustafson, Head of SLO Development Football Supporters Europe, which shed light on the rapport that SLOs have to develop with different stakeholders.
The seminar will continue tomorrow with, among others, sharing from Matt Willis, SLO of Newcastle United FC, who will offer important insights based on his own experience.