Eventi istituzionali

The FIGC joins in the celebration of the Day of Remembrance and Commitment in memory of the innocent victims of mafia violence

The Day is now in its 28th year, and features a vast network of associations, schools, social realities and is officially recognised by the State

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The FIGC joins in the celebration of the Day of Remembrance and Commitment in memory of the innocent victims of mafia violence

The FIGC joins the celebration of the Day of Remembrance and Commitment in memory of the innocent victims of mafias, each year on 21 March. The Day is now in its 28th edition: a long period, which has seen a vast network of associations, schools, social realities in a path of continuous change in our territories, in the sign of us, in the sign of Libera, a group of associations against the mafias born in 1994 from the idea of Don Luigi Ciotti.

The Day is officially recognised by the state through Law No. 20 of 8 March 2017. Much has been achieved since then. There have been countless initiatives (also by the Federation), the paths of change proposed and implemented: confiscated property, remembrance, education to co-responsibility, training and commitment camps, accompaniment of victims and of those who have chosen to move away from the mafia circles, school and university training, are just some of the most important achievements and aims of the collective commitment over the last 28 years.

In recent years, the mafias have also changed their way of acting, making themselves in some cases more hidden but more invasive and dangerous to our communities and our economy. Therefore, action against mafias and corruption is an action that must develop, being able to read the complexity of the present, looking at the roots of history but with an eye to the free future that we want to build.

That is why the FIGC and its president Gabriele Gravina wholeheartedly accepted the invitation to join in the celebration of this day.