Minute’s silence to be observed in memory of Fabio Cudicini
09 January 2025
Sunday, April 2, 2023
The FIGC and President Gabriele Gravina, also on behalf of the Federal Council and staff, join in the condolences of the family of Carlo Porceddu, who passed away today at the age of 85, many of which he spent within the federal administration. A sportsman, in his youth he had been a brilliant water polo player in Cagliari, he had entered the world of football in the mid-1980s in the role of Deputy Head of the Investigations Office (1984 - 1990), by virtue of his long experience as a lawyer. In those years, he was also appointed Head of Security in Cagliari for the 'Italia '90' World Cup. He would later continue his relationship in the FIGC as General Prosecutor and finally manager of the National Under-20 Team.
Also linked to Cagliari was his political activity, which had brought him to the side of Mariano Delogu, as Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Sport of the Cagliari Municipality. In recent years, the FIGC had also awarded him the Benemerenza per i Dirigenti federali, a recognition for his many years of activity in the federal organisation, a recognition that went hand in hand with the 'Stella d'Oro al merito sportivo' (Gold Star for sporting merit) and the title of 'Cavaliere al merito della Repubblica' (Knight of the Republic).