
Emergenza Climatica "SeminiAMO il futuro" FIGC plants trees in land seized from organised crime. Gravina: "We aim to steer football towards a more sustainable dimension"

The Federation's initiative on the climate crisis aligns with the Sustainability Strategy 2030: a project to engage the National Team's fans through tangible actions. The federation president stated, "It's a path of responsibility that involves us all"

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

In line with the Sustainability Strategy published in July 2023, the FIGC launched the "SeminiAMO il future" (Seeding the Future) initiative. The project aims to raise awareness of an increasingly relevant issue, the climate crisis, by involving all Italian fans. The Federation's goal is to enhance awareness of environmental sustainability, not only from a strategic standpoint but by promoting tangible actions. The project involves tree planting in Italy and represents one of the actions planned by the Federation on Environmental Sustainability, aimed at raising awareness and absorbing carbon dioxide.

The words of FIGC President Gabriele Gravina: "With this campaign, the FIGC continues the comprehensive Sustainability journey launched last summer, which includes environmental protection as one of its 11 pillars. Our ambition is to lead the football world's transition into a more sustainable and supportive dimension and, in doing so, also contribute to the ongoing transformation process within civil society. It's a path of responsibility that involves us all".

To convey a synergistic message calling all Azzurri fans to action during UEFA EURO 2024, the FIGC has decided to involve the Italian National Team, the coach, and all Federation staff. All participants have been photographed to recreate, through their own faces, a single and grand image created by Enne Factory.

The 260 portraits taken by photographer Giorgio Galimberti symbolically represent the 260 trees that will be planted. The result will be a collective commitment to a collective responsibility towards the environment.

In collaboration with the company Treedom, the "Foresta Azzurra" (Blue Forest) will be created on property seized from organized crime, the Masseria Antonio Esposito Ferraioli, which extends over an area of ​​12 hectares in the metropolitan area of Naples. This action will transform land confiscated from crime into a symbol of rebirth in the fight against illegality. The project will initially start in Campania, in the identified area, and will expand to other regions.

The project serves a dual purpose, environmental and social. From an environmental perspective, tree planting and the creation of a new forested area will generate a positive impact by ensuring the regeneration of local ecosystems whilst contributing to the absorption of CO₂ emissions. Regarding social aspects, the project will bring about a positive impact through the recovery and redevelopment of areas confiscated from criminal organizations, involving and employing the local community.

The “Foresta Azzurra” It's designed to involve all fans in a collective action. All Azzurri fans are invited to be part of the "Foresta Azzura" by purchasing or gifting a tree, which they can geolocate and monitor over time on the website.