Project HatTrick V: the first antidoping meeting of the season at Appiano Gentile
The Antidoping Committee at the FIGC and NADO Italia visited Inter HQ: from this season, also those clubs competing in European competitions have been included in the projectWednesday, September 27, 2023

The first meeting of the season of UEFA's HatTrick V antidoping educational project, in its third season now, was held yesterday at Inter HQ in Appiano Gentile.
From this season, as requested by UEFA, the Men's and Women's sides participating in European competitions, including those involved in Futsal, have also been inserted into the project to guarantee an efficient antidoping educational programme to players and their personal support network.
Finalist in last season's Champions League and currently involved in Europe's most prestigious club competition, Inter is the first club to meet with the FIGC's Federal Antidoping Commission and NADO Italia. The President of the Federal Antidoping Commission, Giuseppe Capua, presented and described to the players and staff the educational programme, with its primary aim to prevent intentional and non-intentional doping, help players to stay clean and avoid accidental violations of the rules. Alessia Di Gianfrancesco, General Manager of NADO Italia instead went through the current antidoping sporting regulations, paying particular attention to the prohibited substance list and the request of exemption for therapeutic means (TUE).