President Albertini volunteers at the Opera San Francesco: “An immense joy”
Having just been appointed to his new role by the Federal Council, the former National Team midfielder worked alongside volunteers at the centreThursday, January 31, 2019

Demetrio Albertini, who yesterday was appointed the new president of the Technical Sector by the Federal Council, set the Opera San Francesco’s project ‘Volontario all'Opera per un giorno’ (‘Volunteer work at the Opera for a day’) in motion this morning.
The former National Team midfielder put on his apron and badge and worked alongside those volunteers who manage the shower and cloakroom service every day at a place that has welcomed and provided free help for the poor for 60 years in Milan. The new president of the FIGC’s Technical Sector had this to say: “Being part of this initiative was a duty to be fulfilled but above all a pleasure. Having the opportunity to put smiles on the faces of those visiting the centre gave me immense joy. I can say that more has been given to me than I have given out today.”