The FIGC announce the launch of the $ITA fan token on socios.com
12 November 2021
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
“We’re so proud of you that we too have turned ourselves blue!”
This is the message with which Peroni wanted to pay homage to the Azzurri: the historic beer which has always been alongside the Italians, and is an official sponsor of the Italian National Soccer Teams, has changed its appearance for a special edition bottle dedicated exclusively to European champions.
Peroni, the unquestionably Italian beer, accompanied the support on European nights with their Peroni Terzo Tempo, both by uniting all the fans in the National Team’s victories at Casa Azzurri in Rome and by bringing the format to life on the IG channel @birra_peroni and interacting with the fans and the community in the nervous pre-game build-up and post-match celebrations.
And never have we cheered, rejoiced, and got excited together like we did this year, united by the colours of the Azzurri shirt and the values that beer always represents alongside the Italians. In cheering on the National Teams we are all united and there are no opponents because only the national team and Peroni beer are able to unite the Italians beyond all differences.
It was precisely the love and pride for that blue jersey and for the emotions they gave us in this past summer of 2021, which prompted Peroni to dedicate a special bottle to the Azzurri champions. The special edition was delivered by Francesca Bandelli, Peroni's Director of Marketing and Innovation, into the hands of the European Champions, the coaches, the players and FIGC representatives in a celebratory event that was held at Coverciano on 30 August. It marked an important moment for the brand that is proud to pay homage to the National Team in its first post-European Championship release.
For the occasion, the blue-tinted Peroni was presented with a celebratory package dedicated entirely to the National Team, where the claim becomes "unquestionably European champions" as a special thanks to the Italian team. The pack is also a celebration of the partnership that binds Peroni to the National Team: From the 2006 victory when the sky above Berlin was tinged with blue to the "It's coming to Rome" that we all chanted in celebration a few weeks ago! A promising message for the future of the National Team, with Peroni at their sides until the next World Cup.
The history of Peroni and the history of the Italian National Football Team, in fact, are closely linked: The historic beer brand will also accompany the Italian National Teams throughout 2022, with ever greater enthusiasm, supporting the character of inclusiveness and union that is part of its DNA. Because Peroni unites people of all differences, football fans and not, beyond stereotypes, under a single flag which is that of all the male and female Italian National Teams.
Supporting the National Team means being united under a single flag, it means getting excited about a common goal and sharing moments of trepidation and joy. Altogether, beyond any differences. This guides Peroni on the path of collaboration with the Azzurri and the Azzurre.
And so, Peroni will continue to unite Italians in their support, in their emotions and in everyday life, going beyond all differences as only Peroni can do, because What Unites Us Is Peroni!
For all information on the variety of products visit the website: Peroni.it
Press contacts:
Eleonora Carruolo
tel. 3476701197
1 September 2021