New UEFA A course, Albertini: “I wanted a change”
The announcement follows the policy lines of revising and harmonising scores for access to the course: 'Our vision is to create a virtuous and meritocratic system'Thursday, August 3, 2023

The new course for UEFA A coaches will begin in October, the second highest level of training for a coach. Following what have been the programmatic lines dictated by the Executive Board of the Training Sector and thanks to the work of an ad hoc commission, which has been working on this in recent months; half of the call for participation (i.e. 20 out of 40) is reserved for coaches who have gained experience in youth sectors or women’s football teams.
"This UEFA A course," emphasised the president of the Coaching Sector, Demetrio Albertini, "values constancy and experience: it recognises the specialisation of the career of coaches who have dedicated themselves to the youth sector and women's football. It is part of a programme line dedicated to harmonising and revising the grades to attend courses, with the aim of improving the skills we have within our football world. After revising the access fees for the UEFA C and D licence courses for sporting directors and coaches, with this UEFA A course, we have completed the last point of my two-year plan. Also looking at the amateur game and realising an objective that I have always proposed to myself as president: not to exclude anyone.
Our vision is to create a virtuous and meritocratic system to invest in the best profiles of the youth sector and women’s football.
To be specific, out of 40 places available, the new UEFA A coaching course reserves ten places for coaches who have worked for ten consecutive years in the youth sector and another ten places for those who have coached for at least five years in women’s football. The other 20 places will be allocated according to a ranking that takes into account only coaching career and educational qualifications.
The programme and the qualification. This UEFA A course will develop, like normal, through a didactic programme of 192 hours of lessons, which will take place in classrooms and on the Centro Tecnico Federale di Coverciano pitches from 16 October. At the end of the lessons, depending on exam results, the coaches will receive their UEFA A qualification, which will allow them to coach all youth teams (including Primavera), all women’s teams (including those in Serie A) and Men’s first teams up to the Serie C. In addition, the UEFA A qualification allows them to be registered as assistant coaches in men’s Serie A and B, which then allows them access to the highest level of training for a coach, the UEFA Pro course, the so-called ‘Master.’
Il programma e la qualifica. Questo corso UEFA A si svilupperà, come da prassi, attraverso un programma didattico di 192 ore di lezione, che si terranno nelle aule e sui campi del Centro Tecnico Federale di Coverciano a partire dal prossimo 16 ottobre. Al termine delle lezioni, in caso di esito positivo degli esami finali, gli allievi otterranno la qualifica da allenatore UEFA A che consentirà loro di guidare tutte le squadre giovanili (incluse le Primavera), tutte le squadre femminili (comprese quelle partecipanti al campionato di Serie A) e le prime squadre maschili fino alla Serie C. Inoltre, la qualifica UEFA A permette di essere tesserati come allenatori in seconda in Serie A e in Serie B maschile, e consente di poter poi accedere al massimo livello formativo per un allenatore, rappresentato dal corso UEFA Pro, il cosiddetto ‘Master’.
Il bando di ammissione al corso
Comunicato Ufficiale n. 47
3 August 2023