FIGC donates 850 stockings to children at the Ospedale Bambino Gesù and the Policlinico Umberto I
In celebration of Epiphany, children in the care of various institutions have received a stocking full of chocolates and treatsSaturday, January 6, 2024

Continuing on our journey of social responsibility, the FIGC wanted to show solidarity again this festive season with those experiencing a different childhood by donating 850 festive stockings to the children in the care of the Policlinico Umberto I and 4 other sites of the Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù (Gianicolo in Roma, Palidoro, Santa Marinella and Passoscuro).

This morning, the young patients at the various institutions received a festive stocking full of chocolate and sweets: a sweet awakening for Epiphany.
FIGC President, Gabriele Gravina, stated: "Once again, this initiative that I am particularly touched by, because we help sick children, together with others that organise something each year with the Bambino Gesù and pediatric departments all over Italy. I am convinced that, even when the ball isn't rolling, football must be a source of joy. Seeing children smile is an inspiration to us".