Fan Zone at the Colosseum and a Football Village in Piazza del Popolo: a unique setting for the European Championship
The inaugural concert at the Colosseum with international fan areas across Fori Imperiali, Piazza del Popolo, Piazza San Silvestro, Piazza San Lorenzo in Lucina, Largo dei Lombardi and Piazza MignanelliMonday, August 19, 2019

The opening concert at the Colosseum. A football village in Piazza del Popolo with futsal pitches, two information points and LED screens for fans to follow all the matches live. A Fan Zone that will have Piazza del Popolo and Via dei Fori Imperiali as the central "hubs". Rome is sure to put on a great show for UEFA Euro 2020.
The first touring European Championship in history, scheduled from 12 June to 12 July, will be hosted across twelve European cities, with the capital of Italy among them. Four games of the tournament will be played at the Stadio Olimpico, three in the group stage and one in the quarter-finals, notably including the tournament opener. With less than ten months to go until the tournament gets underway, the administration committee are already well into their organisation of the most eagerly-awaited event in European football, even if the precise dates of events are yet to be confirmed.
The opening ceremony will be held at the Fori Imperiali, and UEFA and Roma Capitale are currently in talks with various artists in order to put on a phenomenal curtain-raising show on an international scale. Two stages will be set up for the ceremony: one at Largo Corrado Ricci, and the other inside the Colosseum for a concert attended by both citizens of Rome and international fans.
The Fan Zone will unite the Colosseum, Piazza del Popolo and the four other key locations: Piazza San Silvestro, Piazza San Lorenzo in Lucina, Largo dei Lombardi and Piazza Mignanelli. Each will be set up with an information screen and stages for shows, musical events and artistic performances. Three big weeks of celebration filled with football and colour: especially, of course, the blue of the National Team led by Roberto Mancini.
There will also be a Football Village in Piazza del Popolo, above which, on the Terrazza del Pincio, you will be able to find the media area, a space for catering and a "meet and greet" area for the chance to meet the stars of UEFA Euro 2020. The Fori Imperiali are a must-visit for those who want to enjoy the matches in the square. There fans will be able to watch all the games on the huge LED screen, which will be 40 square metres in size. An area with a maximum capacity of 20,000 people, open only during the televised broadcasts of the matches.
The bridge is the symbol of this touring European Championship, and with every crossing of the Tiber River fans will be able to admire Rome’s very own symbols of UEFA Euro 2020, which are all marked with flags and banners. The bridges involved are as follows: Ponte della Musica, Ponte Duca d'Aosta, Ponte Milvio, Ponte Regina Margherita, Ponte Flaminio, Ponte Risorgimento, Ponte Matteotti, Ponte Sant'Angelo (already used in the One Year To Go event), Ponte Vittorio Emanuele, Ponte Sisto and Ponte Palatino.
As has already been announced by the Mayor of the capital, Virginia Raggi, the Stadio Olimpico is ready to undergo major renovations for the occasion, with more bathrooms and facilities for people with disabilities and new premises dedicated to catering. "The stadium will have more places for people with disabilities, along with an increase in bathroom facilities with dedicated access, this is all a great sign of improvement," stressed the Mayor, "the works, which the Councillor for Urban Planning Luca Montuori and the town planning offices have already approved, will also focus on the Press Room and the new premises planned for catering. The Stadio Olimpico will be the best it has ever been, ready to welcome fans from all over the world, but will then remain in the hands of the citizens in its renewed and modern form. Rome is preparing for this great event in the best possible way. I would like to thank Daniele Frongia, Councillor for Sport, Youth Policies and Major Events in Rome, for all the work he is doing. He has been appointed as Commissioner for Extraordinary Events with the task of coordinating the organisation, whilst also playing the role of interlocutor for all the public and private parties involved. ROME UEFA EURO 2020 will be a party for the whole city and there will be a huge Fan Zone dedicated to fans and citizens alike.”
The capital is certainly ready for the magical nights to come...