FIGC and Gillette together again in Monza for Play Days
13 October 2023
Monday, October 28, 2024
The title, 'Cattivi Maestri', says it all. The docufilm by Roberto Orazi, produced by Riccardo Neri with the support of the FIGC, was presented recently at the Rome Film Festival. It tells the story of Vincenzo Fuoco, currently a coach in the FIGC's Youth and School Sector and the delegate for the protection of minors in Lombardy, who suffered in silence for years due to the abuse of a sports official. His parallel life during childhood left a lasting impact, but after a long time, he found the courage to speak out, aided by the support of the Change the Game association founded by Daniela Simonetti.
"The docufilm took three years to make because it was really complicated for me to sit down and remember everything" Fuoco said on stage at the Rome Film Festival. "The FIGC has welcomed me and is providing me with the tools to help, but what's important is not just punishing offenders; it's crucial to support those who suffer". On stage with Vincenzo Fuoco were also Professor Domenico Costantino, former president of the expert commission for the protection of minors in the Youth and School Sector, and the president of the LND, Giancarlo Abete.
Alongside the central structure, there are 20 specialised regional offices within each regional coordination, consisting of experts in child protection in legal and regulatory matters, as well as specialists in psychological and pedagogical aspects. These offices conduct training workshops that are both theoretical and experiential to educate sports operators.
There are over 800 youth clubs affiliated with the FIGC that undertake a dedicated specialisation pathway annually, which complements the new mandatory requirements for all sports organisations established by recent government-initiated regulatory innovations (safeguarding policies).
Since 2021, through the specialised digital platform for the protection of minors, around 500 different reports have been managed and directed to the SGS Focal Point regarding alleged violations of behavioural rules or various forms of abuse and/or mistreatment. For approximately 70% of these cases, intervention procedures have been initiated, involving further investigation, assistance, and support. About 5% of the cases have been submitted to the Federal Prosecutor’s Office for evaluation and sanctions.