A webinar on football management to take place on Monday 27 February
Gravina and Albertini will both take part in the event
Thursday, February 23, 2023

27 March will mark the start of the third edition of the Executive Programme in ‘Football Management’, organised by the Technical Sector in partnership with SDA Bocconi School of Management. As an introduction to the 144-hour educational programme - which designed to train an increasingly in-demand figure within top-level football clubs, namely that of a professional who knows how to combine managerial and administrative skills with the technical expertise - there will be a webinar titled ‘Il future del calcio italiano e le sfide manageriali che lo attendono’ (‘The future of Italian football and the managerial challenges that lie ahead’). This will take place on Monday 27 February from 18:00 CET to 19:00 CET, with FIGC president, Gabriele Gravina, Technical Sector President, Demetrio Albertini, and the director of the Sport Knowledge Center of SDA Bocconi, Dino Ruta, set to speak.
Two Italian leaders in the field of training - the Technical Sector and the SDA Bocconi School of Management - joined forces to develop this course, which is structured around four modules (Football Business; Organisation and Human Capital; Strategy and Finance; Innovation and Sustainability). In the first two editions, many nationally and internationally renowned speakers - and not just from the football world - shared their experiences and expertise with the students.
For more information on the Executive Programme in Football Management, click here.
The deadline for submitting a request to participate is 20 March. Click here to download an admission application.
In order to take part in the introductory webinar on Monday 27 February, you need to register on the SDA Bocconi website by filling out this form; once registered, you will receive a link via email to follow the webinar live.