A machine to analyse and quantify DNA mutations: the FIGC's gift to the Bambino Gesù hospital
The instrument will be used to treat cancer patients. Quotes from FIGC President Gabriele GravinaThursday, June 18, 2020

A machine to analyse and quantify the presence of DNA mutations in diagnostic samples: this new instrument will now be available to the genomic research laboratories at the Bambino Gesù hospital courtesy of a gift from the FIGC. President Gabriele Gravina’s visit this morning marked another stage of a collaboration that began last year as the hospital celebrated its 150th anniversary. Bambino Gesù’s President, Mariella Enoc, and the hospital’s scientific director, Bruno Dallapiccola, were both there to welcome the guests from the FIGC.
The new instrument was purchased thanks to a €50,000 contribution from the FIGC which the hospital received through the Bambino Gesù Onlus Foundation. It will be used to closely analyse patients undergoing advanced treatments such as CAR T-cell therapy.

"The collaboration that the FIGC began with the Bambino Gesù hospital is inspired by the principle of fraternity, something which incorporates another key principle: solidarity,” said the FIGC President during the ceremony to mark the handing over of the machine. “It’s thanks to initiatives like this that football is able to show its sensitivity towards delicate matters, in contrast to some preconceived notions. Personally, I still carry the emotions stirred up from the children meeting the Azzurri at Coverciano and also at the hospital inside me.”
In the past year, the FIGC has supported numerous initiatives aimed at the children and youngsters undergoing treatment at the Bambino Gesù hospital, like when all the National Team players visited on 10 October last year.

President Enoc had the following to say: “Today, the FIGC has provided the hospital with a cutting-edge research tool that will allow us to help treat the children in a more effective manner. We are extremely grateful for this gift and also for the joy that our youngsters have experienced from meeting their idols. I’m sure that those involved with the FIGC will recognise the enormous appreciation felt in remembering those smiles that they saw.”