A tricolour Ape on the streets of Feltre!
To celebrate the Azzurri's victory at the European Championship, Jessica and Davide decorated grandfather Rocco's old Ape in Italian colours.Tuesday, August 3, 2021

We’re publishing publish the story of Jessica Casanova, dental assistant, and Davide Mondin, a specialised company worker. The couple from Feltre, a Venetian municipality in the province of Belluno, celebrated the national team’s victory at Euro 2020 by refurbishing an iconic Italian vehicle from the 1980s...
We are Jessica and Davide, we are 23 years old, and we are super fans of the national team… we NEVER miss a game!
The Azzurri's victory at Wembley was our dream that came true, so much so that we decided to celebrate it in an original way, even drawing a little bit from the history of our wonderful Country and from our family.
The protagonist of this story is a Piaggio Ape from the 1980s owned by Rocco, Jessica's grandfather, which was bought by Davide's father when he passed away in 2017. For a variety of reasons (or perhaps more simply destiny), 2021 was the perfect year to be able to transform the Ape into a wonderful party vehicle, dedicated to the Azzurri.
How did we get the idea? We put together some coincidences. The final was played on 11 July, just like in 1982, when Italy won the World Cup in Spain... and our Piaggio Ape, one of the undisputed symbols of Italy, is from the 1980s too. Jessica's grandfather would have turned 100 this year, and what better way to remember him than to use his old Ape and decorate it with Italian colours? We’re sure that, from up there, he will have been very happy to see his vehicle wandering through the streets of our villages, leading a caravan of cars and motorbikes in celebration: Unforgettable emotions, with it almost impossible to hold back the tears.
Seeing it coloured in green, white, and red and covered with Italian flags filled our hearts. We don’t need to tell you how successful it was to celebrate this way! Thank you, Azzurri!