Cookie policy

  1. Definition and purpose of cookies

Cookies are short sequences of structured, text-based information which are stored locally on your browser for varying periods of time in order to enable certain types of remote services to run properly. Cookies make it possible to record various types of information relating to your preferences, as well as technical data which allows for an easier, more personalised browsing experience.

While browsing, users may also receive cookies from third parties. In these cases, those third parties are solely responsible for those cookies. Cookies can be installed by the owner and operator of the website (direct cookies) and by external parties to the website (partners) visited by the user (third-party cookies).

FIGC cookies are anonymous and therefore contain no personal information relating to the user such as name, surname, email address and so on. As such, they ensure a secure browsing experience which is respectful of privacy.

There are three main categories of cookies:

• Technical cookies: necessary for the correct running of the website and for access operations (logging in, acceptance of terms of use), configuration of preferences (e.g. language) and personalisation of browsing experience;
• Analytical cookies: provide information on how visitors use the site, what content they access and where they come from, allowing the site owner to analyse and improve the functioning of the site and the content on it;
• Profiling cookies: used to send personalised promotional messages and commercial proposals and to position these messages, monitor whether or not the user has seen the message and to build a dynamic user profile with a view to offering them messaging which reflects the preferences expressed by them during their browsing period.

B. Characteristics and purposes of cookies installed on the website
During visits to, or any other website attributable to the Association (hereinafter the “Site”), information is only collected by technical cookies and analytical cookies, which anonymously trace user activities. No specific consent is required for these cookies.

Analytical cookies are used by the Site in order to anonymously analyse site traffic. These cookies are collected and processed using the third-party “Google Analytics” system.

Users will not receive profiling cookies from FIGC during the time they spend browsing the website.

Below is a description of the characteristics and purposes of the cookies used:



Information collected


Procedure for deactivating/blocking


Sets the content language

The language used by the user

No expiry date

Can be disabled by following the instructions shown in Paragraph D


Makes it possible to identify the user’s session

Information about the session

Until end of session

Can be disabled by following the instructions shown in Paragraph D


Makes it possible to identify the Liferay session

Information about the Liferay session

Until end of session

Can be disabled by following the instructions shown in Paragraph D


Makes it possible to ID the user logged into the site

Information about the user

Until log-out or end of session

Can be disabled by following the instructions shown in Paragraph D


Shows if the user has accepted the use of cookies and the cookie policy

cc_cookie_accept if the user has accepted the use of cookies

Three months

Can be disabled by following the instructions shown in Paragraph D


Maintains technical information on user status

Unique information about the session

Until end of session

Can be disabled by following the instructions shown in Paragraph D


Used by the CMS to test cooking management

Generic text sequence

Until end of session

Can be disabled by following the instructions shown in Paragraph D


Current language

Language identifier

Two hours

Can be disabled by following the instructions shown in Paragraph D


Used to maintain authentication token

Authentication token

Until end of session

Can be disabled by following the instructions shown in Paragraph D

Wordpress _

Used to manage preferred addresses (URLs)

Authentication token and URL

Until end of session


__utma, __utmz, __utmc, __utmv, __utmt, __utmb

Google analytics

Please see Google Analytics documentation for description

Some are based on the session, others are permanent

Can be disabled by following the instructions shown in Paragraph D


Makes it possible to ID the user logged into the site

Information about the user

Until log-out or end of session or session timeout

Can be disabled by following the instructions shown in Paragraph D


Protects data against attacks from other site (CSRF protection)

No user data

Until log-out or end of session/session timeout

Can be disabled by following the instructions shown in Paragraph D


Makes it possible to ID the user logged into the site

Information about the user

Until log-out or end of session or session timeout / maximum 20’ idle time

Can be disabled by following the instructions shown in Paragraph D


Protects data against attacks from other site (CSRF protection)

No user data

Until log-out or end of session or session timeout

Can be disabled by following the instructions shown in Paragraph D


Shows if the user has accepted the use of cookies

Consent provided by the user to the use of cookies

1 year

Can be disabled by following the instructions shown in Paragraph D

All browsers offer the option (either directly or via features made by third parties) to delete cookies selectively (a specific group of cookies) or as a whole (all cookies). Please consult the specific documentation for each browser for more details on this. By way of example, information regarding some of the cookies used by Google Analytics is shown below:



Information collected

Expiry (where first visit is made today)



Google Analytics

Please see Google Analytics documentation for description


Set by Google


Google Analytics

Please see Google Analytics documentation for description


Set by Google


Google Analytics

Please see Google Analytics documentation for description


Set by Google


Google Analytics

Please see Google Analytics documentation for description


Set by Google


Shows if the user has accepted the use of cookies

Consent provided by the user to the use of cookies


1 year

  1. Third-party cookies
    You may also receive third-party cookies while browsing the Site. The most common of these are known as “social media buttons”, i.e. buttons present on the Site featuring the logos of social networks (i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube). These buttons allow users to interact with social platforms during the browsing experience.

    Below are links to the privacy policies of each social media company, containing – amongst other things – criteria for the management of cookies and related information and procedures for requesting that these are deactivated.

Type of cookie






The links to social networks are simple links to specific areas of third-party websites. These sites may install cookies for various purposes, but this is outside of the control and responsibility of the Association. Please consult the documentation provided by each website linked here.

D. Browser settings
Procedure for cookie management and direct connection with the specific browser section. You can alter the browser settings in order to block or delete cookies. Below is some basic information on how to do this. The instructions may vary based on the specific browser version being used.

Microsoft Internet Explorer:
Clink on the “Tools” icon at the top right and select “Internet options”. In the pop-up window, select “Privacy”. You can adjust your cookie settings here.

Google Chrome:
Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu at the top right. Selected “Show advanced settings” or “Advanced”. This will take you to the “Privacy and Security” section, where you can adjust various settings on cookie management and privacy.

Mozilla Firefox:
From the dropdown menu in the top right, select “Preferences” in order to open the settings page. Next select “Privacy and security” to adjust cookie settings.

From the dropdown menu in the top left, select “Preferences”. Next select “Privacy” to adjust cookie settings (e.g. “Block all cookies”).

Cookies managed by FIGC have variable durations based on their purpose, as shown in the table in Paragraph B. Indicatively, session cookies end as soon as a user leaves the Site and begin again the next time the Site is visited. Other types of cookies – such as those relating to language selection and the acceptance of the terms of use of cookies – have a longer duration to reflect their purpose. All cookies can be removed or blocked by the user at any time by following the instructions in Paragraph D.

The duration of third-party cookies is set by the cookie owners, who will specify this in their cookie policy.


In order to request information or clarification or to exercise your rights, you can contact the Data Controller at

In accordance with GDPR, FIGC has appointed a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted:

via email at

or by sending a letter via recorded delivery to:

Data Protection Officer
Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio
Via Gregorio Allegri No.14
00198 – Rome

All data subjects have the right to make a complaint to a supervisory authority. The Italian authority can be contacted at